Forging Our Future Together

COTA Collective envisions a world that is rooted in justice and equity. We partner with people that share this vision and are working to shift conditions and transform systems. Together we are manifesting a world where the people most impacted by the interconnected issues we face, have the power to self-determine our collective liberation. Our work contributes to an ecosystem that advances Climate, Environmental and Economic Justice through deep trust and relationship building. 

We translate visions into strategies and values into operations.

We understand how institutions and power work


We understand how institutions and power work 〰️

Our Clients

include but are not limited to:

Academic Institutions

Community Based Organizations

Government Actors

Movement Leaders


Philanthropic Entities

We believe in the importance of multiracial movement work and we center the experiences of black, brown and indigenous people

We work across social justice issues with a specific focus on environmental justice, climate justice and economic justice

We are accountable to frontline communities and we practice transparency, partnership and solidarity in our work with our partners